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Cue this track (Lelectrolab)

You want to download and use the track "Cue this track" composed by Lelectrolab.

To use this track in your project

The musical works of Lelecrolab belong to SABAM. Applications are reserved solely for professionals.

To use these works, you will need to:

1) get authorisation from Lelecrolab. To do so, you must complete the form below. Your request will automatically be sent to the musician who will then take contact with you as soon as possible. Dependingon the project, Lectrolab freely grants or not the right to use hismusic.

The payment of SABAMs fees remains the responsibility of the producer and/or distributor.

Lectrolabwill then send you the wav file containing the music.

2) declare how it will be used to the organization responsible for themanagement of its rights (SABAM)


Download this track

Get an authorisation to use the track "Cue this track" by Lelectrolab

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